My Classroom!

Our classroom has several areas with flexible seating for students to work on centers.

Students might sit here to work on inquiry projects and Listen to Reading Center. 

This is the perfect spot to work on writing.

Our classroom expectations are posted for students to reference.

These are some of our technology expectations.
Students use the Word Wall to help with sight words.  This is the technology station.
Students have access to supplies to help with effective classroom management.
Students learn to take responsibility by making a lunch choice each morning.

We learn to get our papers and keep track of our supplies.
This is our Positive Behavior Intervention System.  We have pockets to save our puffs!
Each day students earn puffs for meeting behavior expectations.

We have the opportunity to purchase puff passes and prizes each week.
This is a view of our four tables.  We earn team points for working together!

This is a supply basket.  We also use these cones to show who the team captain is each day.
This is our classroom library.  We use this flexible seating to meet in our guided reading groups each day.

This is a great place to work on projects and Word Work.
This is the front of our classroom.

We plan to use every inch for our math and calendar time.

This is our calendar time and schedule.  Expectations and learning targets are posted for each subject.
This is the place where we focus on our targets and meet on the carpet.

These will be our book boxes.  We will use these during our reading time.

We work to develop strong character.  Expectations are displayed here.

We visit differentiated reading and math centers each day.

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