
Story Bags-

We love story bags!  I have created story bags kits from books that the class has enjoyed hearing.  I use the paper dolls and props when I read the story.  Later, students have the opportunity to act out the stories with a partner.  My students are developing comprehension skills as they retell the stories to friends.  I will begin asking students about characters and setting, as well as the main idea of the story.  Story bags will allow students to begin to identify the characters and retell the story in sequence.

Math Center:  Counting Blueberries

Our class enjoyed reading Blueberries for Sal during a Blue Day Activity.  I created this blueberry center to allow students to practice counting as we studied numbers 1-10.  Students organized cups in numerical order from 1-10.  Then, they worked together to place the appropriate number of "blueberries" in each cup.  (The blueberries are made of blue clay.)

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